Sunday, January 5, 2020

EveryDay Earth Clips

We have a few new clips from EveryDay Earth available. If you haven't checked out EveryDay Earth yet, it's a free interactive video curriculum supplement for teachers.  You can follow Devin and the EveryDay Earth Corps on adventures and choose which data gets collected in different locations along the adventure.

Throughout the lessons, STEM concepts are explored in short videos that students can click on as they progress.  Here's a quick overview of precipitation:

A variety of locations are featured in EveryDay Earth.  So far we've shot marshes, plains, canyons and a variety of bodies fo water.  We try to explore the scientific background of each location.  Here's a quick clip about the Gloss Mountains in northwest Oklahoma:

If you haven't checked out EveryDay Earth yet then head to the website and sign up for free.  The first two Missions are ready and the third one will be available later this year!