Thursday, October 20, 2011

On Location #1 "The Good Guys" in Deep Ellum

It feels like it's just about time to start up a new semi-regular feature here on the ol' blog so we proudly present "On Location" where we show pictures of various locations that we've stumbled upon that have been featured in TV or films.

Today we take a look at an episode of the short lived Fox series "The Good Guys" (they shot in Dallas so get ready for plenty of these types of entries) that was shot in the Deep Ellum section of Dallas.

In the pilot episode there is a shoot out at a pawn shop. The actual location was on Commerce Street and Crowdus Street and is currently vacant:

From this angle you can see that it is right next to the former "Coyote Ugly's" (which is now also currently vacant).

Behind our heroes, Bradley Whitford and Colin Hanks (Tom Hanks' son), you can see St. Pete's Dancing Marlin (I recommend the Cobb Salad, it's awesome...and HUGE) and the Angry Dog (get the hot dog...hold the onions). You can also see part of the downtown skyline.

And once the bad news goes down our boys hit the street. The bulk of this section of the street is vacant but the windows with the blue trim belong to Buzz Brews (I haven't eaten there yet so I don't have any recommendations. Although they serve breakfast and I definitely like that).

Tune in next time for more locations that we accidentally find!

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