Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Pop Icon

"Oklahoma Rocks!" is really, really, really finished...sort of. We are at the point where the work is done and is being reviewed and as long as everything is factually correct then we're putting a fork in it.

So now is the time when we rest, ever so slightly, on our laurels and enjoy the luxurious stress-free time between the end of one film and the beginning of another.

Aaah...relaxing isn't it?

Ok, that's it. Time's up. Announcing:

What is "Unique-lahoma" you ask? Well, you know how when you're shooting a documentary about the geology of Oklahoma and you keep running into really neat roadside attractions? And you can't seem to fit them all into the geology documentary no matter hard you try to crowbar them in? Of course you do, who wouldn't?

Well, the end result is a documentary short that makes an extra special DVD extra (and film festival submission). We already had most of it shot but there were a few more things we couldn't help but add. First off was an interview with Deborah Bouziden who co-wrote:

"Off the Beaten Path: Oklahoma"

She braved the cold weather to give us her insights into some of the places and things that we will be covering in "Unique-lahoma."

One of those things is right behind her in that picture: "Pops"

Pops is more than just a gas station. It's a soda mecca with over 400 different types of soda to choose from. That's 395 more than I knew about.

It's right on Route 66 in Arcadia, OK. Sure, we got our kicks while mother-roading it but that's not new territory for us. But what was new territory was enjoying a "Route 66 Cream Soda" while actually on Route 66. Devin demonstrates:

If that makes you thirsty for even more wacky roadside shenanigans then you should see what else is in the movie. And hopefully you will...soon.

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