Sunday, October 29, 2006

Latest Shoot: NE Oklahoma

We're back from our latest shoot for "Oklahoma Rocks!"  This time we hit the Tulsa/Northeast Oklahoma area.  Our first stop was going to be the "Big Blue Whale" along Route 66 in Catoosa.  

Long story short:  even though it is a giant blue whale on the side of the road we couldn't find it.  So instead of wasting all day looking for it we headed to our next stop: the Picher Mining Museum in Picher, OK.  

Long story short:  we couldn't find it....or could we?  We actually found it twice...or at least it felt like we did.  The first place we stopped seemed to be closed.  We sat and pondered about whether the owner was actually still alive and the importance of pre-production.  But we didn't want to waste any more time so drove around getting chat pile footage.

After a short while and several tasteless "chat" puns later, we stumbled across the real Picher Mining Museum.  

Long story short:  it was also closed.   A disappointed Devin is pictured below.

So then we finally went to a place that:

A.  we could find 
B.  was open

The Joplin Museum Complex has some great mineral specimens, historic mining memorabilia and antique mining equipment.  They also had a museum mascot: "Percy the Cat."  So we tried to get him to do something interesting on camera.

Long story short:  he didn't.

Anyhoo, the next day we hit the Grand Lake 'O' the Cherokees, Sequoyah State Park, the Illinois River and other various photogenic places in the area.

But much like Captain Ahab our whale obsession overtook us and we had to head back to Route 66.

Long story short: we found it.  Yea!

More pics from our shoot can be seen on the "Oklahoma Rocks!" website:

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